News READ MORE… READ ARTICLE… READ MORE… READ MORE… READ MORE… READ MORE… READ MORE… 26.07.2024 Two articles from KTCh researchers among those awarded the IDUB Best Paper 2023: READ MORE… READ MORE… READ ARTICLE… READ MORE… READ MORE… . READ ARTICLE… READ MORE… . . READ MORE… . . . READ MORE… . DSc Eng. Michał Młotek, Dr. Eng. Wojciech Patkowski, Dr. Eng. Hubert Ronduda and Dr. Eng. Magdalena Zybert took part in the Third Scientific Conference entitled „Catalysis – Present and Future” organized by ORLEN SA on October 19-20, 2023 in Płock, Poland. READ MORE… . READ MORE… . READ MORE… . . READ MORE… . On 11.09.2023 a book by Prof. K. Krawczyk et al. was published by Cambridge Scholars. READ MORE…