Netzsch STA 449C thermal analyzer allows for simultaneous detection of mass changes, thermal effects associated with them and the composition of the gases evolving from the sample while heating/cooling samples in a chosen atmosphere.
Ekstruzyjna drukarka 3D z możliwością naświetlania promieniowaniem UV (ang. UV assisted Direct Ink Writing, UV-DIV)
Drukarka 3D DLP do drukowania fotoutwardzalnymi masami ceramicznymi
A unique Carbolite furnace with three distinct heating zones.
Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern)
Gas pycnometer (Micromeritics)
Ball mills (Retsch)
ASAP 2020 (Micromeritics) allows for precise measurement of the specific surface area and porosity distribution of solids, including catalysts and catalyst supports.
Ovens and furnaces heating up to 1800°C (Carbolite)
Tape casting machine
Climatic test chamber
AutoChem allows for the determination of the properties of solids such as reducibility and the acid/base properties of their surface, as well as particle size distribution, thanks to the interaction of the studied solids with various gas molecules.
A Gas Chromatograph equipped with a Mass Spectrometer is a very powerful tool in determining the composition of a stream.